The prospect of replacing a roof strikes fear in the heart of most homeowners.

After all, roof replacement can represent a major, unexpected expense. This reality can cause homeowners to cross their fingers and hope that nothing happens – but there is a much better way which will actually allow you to enjoy the safety, beauty and protection of your roof for years to come – while ensuring that premature roof replacement does not become an issue.

As with every major system in your home, roof preventative maintenance can go a long way in giving you peace of mind. So instead of “out of sight, out of mind”, your best course of action is to create a habit of regular roof inspections and maintenance.

Benefits of Preventative Roof Maintenance

  • You Can Mitigate Weather Damage: Harsh sunlight and UV rays, torrential rainstorms and high winds can all wreak havoc on your roofing materials. However, this damage tends to be localized on your roof, allowing you to replace cracked, curled or brittle tiles or shingles, before water intrudes. Damaged materials are more likely to result in water leaks over time, which will allow the affected area to grow larger and larger until replacement is necessary.
  • You Can Protect Your Gutters and Downspouts: If materials begin to break down, they can end up accumulating in the gutters on your home. Whether from granular loss or debris from trees, gutters which are clogged will eventually start to sag and pull away from the eaves and soffits. Keeping materials in good condition and routinely checking your gutters can avoid a failure of your drainage systems.
  • You Can Prevent Roof Leaks: Even an older roof can still effectively protect your home if materials are intact and have been checked for integrity and strong adhesion. Spot-repair will allow your roof to last longer. Unless your roof is new, preventative roof maintenance is necessary to prevent leaks and protect your home.

Damage Avoided By Preventative Roof Maintenance

  • Roofing Materials: As discussed, your roofing materials may erode over time. Conducting annual inspections and needed ongoing maintenance will extend the life of your roof for years.
  • Attic Moisture: Water which intrudes into your attic can dampen framing and saturate insulation. This not only can weaken the structure and reduce energy efficiency in your home, but encourage mold growth which can cause health and wellness issues. Mold grows easily in damp, hot areas – thus a wet attic is a prime location.
  • Drywall Saturation: Leaks which flow down from the roof and find their way into your drywall can cause mold, staining, and deterioration of your walls and ceilings. Once leaks have reached the interior of your home where people live, it becomes more serious and more difficult to fix and restore.
  • Compromised Electrical Systems: Although not as common, water dripping on exposed electrical wires can cause shorts, outages, and worse. If water is running through your walls, it may interfere with the electrical system, a definite safety hazard. Important: If a particular electrical outlet or fuse continually shorts out, call an electrician immediately. The electrical contacts may be wet, and you may need to further diagnose where the leak is originating from.
  • Interior Possessions: In the worst possible scenario of putting off preventative roof maintenance, the ceiling may “give way” in areas, allowing a flood which can destroy furniture, flooring, appliances, and personal possessions. There are many warning signs of a failing roof before this stage. Look for stained ceilings or walls or drips forming in those areas and call a professional right away.

Scheduling a full annual roof inspection, as well as conducting monthly visual inspections, will help you to identify when preventative roof maintenance is needed. If you see anything – sagging gutters, loose granules, or stained wood in the attic – contact the roofing contractors at Avery Roofing Services.

We take the health of your roof seriously. Call us today for your first inspection.

Your Local, Trusted, Sarasota Roofer

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