They say an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Although we are generally diligent about many things when it comes to our home – such as pest control or air conditioning maintenance – we often install a new roof and forget about it for decades.

But especially here in Sarasota, the need to be proactive about taking care of the very aspect of our home which protects us from severe weather and blistering heat is imperative.

In fact, taking care of small problems as they occur may be the very thing that helps you to avoid a major problem in the face of a storm. Therefore, regular roof inspections should be a routine part of home maintenance.

As professionals, we must point out that getting up on your roof to look for problems may be very dangerous.

Therefore, we recommend hiring a licensed contractor to handle roofing inspections. Still, many roof problems can be spotted fairly easily. If you notice any of these conditions present, you may wish to call for an assessment of your roof’s condition.

roof inspections Sarasota

Signs of Possible Problems

If you have an asphalt shingle roof, the shingles themselves often tell the story. Cracked or cupped shingles are beginning to deteriorate and should likely be replaced; excessive granules in your gutters (or flowing down your spouts) will indicate the erosion of the shingles as well.

Although a popular roofing choice in the Sarasota area, asphalt shingles become brittle under too much heat.  Missing shingles might indicate that the sealant is no longer effective, or that you may have a critter on your roof.

Another popular choice for roofing is tile. Although tile roofs do offer a significantly longer lifespan, there are still issues to look out for.

For instance, tiles are porous. Therefore, debris such as leaves, branches or twigs from nearby trees should be removed on a regular basis. If not, tiles may start to crack or even be dislodged if debris gets under them, and that can further damage the layer underneath.

Many Sarasota homeowners unknowingly crack and damage their tile when walking on the roof- still another reason not to go up on your roof unless absolutely necessary. It is always best to call in a roofing professional.

Of course, if you see water spots on either interior or exterior walls of your home, you should call for an inspection immediately. Water intrusion is often largely hidden, so when it begins to show itself, you’ll want to have it checked out right away.

How Often Should I Have My Roof Inspected?

General consensus agrees that shingle roof inspections should take place at least once every three years, and tile roof inspections are advisable every 5 years. But again, the unique combination of intense sunlight and severe storms here in our region may compel you to schedule roof inspections annually, or at least every two years.

Especially if you have endured a particularly harsh storm in the prior months, having your roof inspected for any weakness or deterioration before each storm season is a prudent step.

Especially if you have endured a particularly harsh storm in the prior months, having your roof inspected for any… Click to Tweet

Simple proactive steps to keep your roof in top condition will go a long way to ensuring that your property and family are as safe and secure as possible. If you utilize quality roofing materials upon installation, keep debris cleared away, and hire professional, licensed roofing contractors such as Avery Roof Services to routinely perform roofing inspections – your roof will provide many years of protection and beauty to your home or business.

Your Local, Trusted, Sarasota Roofer

roofing company Sarasota