A Sarasota summer is synonymous with skyrocketing temperatures, high humidity, and torrential rainstorms. These severe weather conditions have the potential to cause damage to our homes if we are not properly prepared for them. Roof ventilation and attic insulation are two areas that every homeowner should consider when getting ready for hurricane season.

Heat and moist air naturally travel upward and can also get trapped in closed areas.
Your attic space needs to be adequately ventilated in order to control the air temperature and keep it from getting too warm. Your insulation levels will help to guarantee that your home is as energy efficient as it can be, given how hard your air conditioner will be working through these months.


Why is Roof Ventilation and Insulation Important?

Without the right systems in place to aid ventilation and energy efficiency, you could find yourself dealing with increased energy costs, deterioration of insulation, condensation on insulation and roofing structure, dry rot to plywood decking, rust corrosion, and even mold and mildew growth.

Roof Vents

Roofing systems in Florida generally employ one or more of the three basic types of ventilation options. Oftentimes, your roof structure may require two of these vents to work together.

A ridge vent is a common way to ventilate an attic space. Ridge vents are located along the ridge line of your home, and they allow heated air to escape up and out through small holes. Ridge vents are very effective, and once installed, are barely visible from the ground – making them a popular choice for homeowners. Ridge vents also minimize air pollution inside your home, and block entry for many common residential pests. In contrast, a soffit vent operates as an intake vent under the eaves of your home. Soffit vents take in fresh air and allow it to circulate, and often work in conjunction with ridge vents which then expel the hot air. Finally, gable vents are louvered to draw air out of the attic without allowing any rain to penetrate.

Attic Insulation

Insulation is required to prevent the hot, humid air which is present in your attic from permeating into your home. Absent adequate insulation, your air conditioner will be placed under unnecessary strain, as it will have to work harder to keep your home cool and energy efficient.

You should inspect your attic insulation at least annually. You will be looking for deterioration caused by undiscovered roof leaks, or damage done by pests making their nests in your attic. Should your insulation require replacement or replenishment, call your local roofing contractor. Avery Roof Services can assist with the selection of the correct material to moderate the heat flow from one area to another in your home. The effectiveness of insulation in different climates is measured in R-value. Here in the Sarasota area, an R-value of 30 is generally recommended.

Fiberglass batt is the most affordable insulation product, and is popular in warmer climates. This fiberglass solution is available in lightweight rolls and is produced in predetermined lengths and widths to fit in standard joint spacing. Because of the low cost and ease of installation, fiberglass batt is popular with DIY home handymen. Foam boards create an air barrier which fiberglass insulation can’t, and are often used to add another layer over the existing fiberglass insulation. Because the boards are rigid, they cannot fill gaps. The best answer to that problem is spray foam, which is blown into position, filling and sealing air gaps. Spray foam is one of the most effective forms of insulation available. You can also blow-in batt insulation, which provides a great vapor barrier – important for humid climates!

For more advice and recommendations on how to best prepare your home and attic for a Sarasota summer, call the professionals at Avery Roof Services before the really hot weather arrives. We are glad to assist.

Your Local, Trusted, Sarasota Roofer

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