When it comes time to install a new asphalt shingle roof, a Sarasota homeowner has two options.

It is possible to install a new layer of shingles over the current roofing materials – but only once. So if your roof is the original roof and there is only one layer of shingle, you may be able to re-roof without tearing off the old roof.  If you would like to investigate this possibility for your home, call a licensed and insured roofing contractor. They can advise you as to the integrity of your roof structure and your options for shingling over the current materials.

However, many experts recommend that you remove old shingles and start over.

remove old shingles

Why Remove Old Shingles?

Installing a new roof over old tiles will save you the cost of removal and disposal of current roofing materials. However, even if installing new shingles over the old is an option for you, there are valid reasons to remove old shingles and start over.

The most practical reason for removing old shingles is that without doing so, you cannot properly assess the condition of the underlayment and the roof deck. If there is any damage or deterioration in either of those two elements of your roof, you may be asking for roof leaks. Without taking the step to remove old shingles, you simply cannot know if your structure needs repair. Because of this, you may find yourself dealing with a roof leak long before the new materials on top would indicate.

How are Old Shingles Removed?

While some homeowners may choose to do this job themselves, the tools and safety materials required (as well as the dirty, hard work) often result in a call to the local roofing contractor. If you are unsure as to how to work on your roof safely, experts recommend you hire a professional.

  • Prepare the Area: Falling shingles, nails and debris can damage your siding, doors, windows, and landscaping. You can place plywood over doors, windows, and air conditioners to protect them (remember to turn off the A/C before covering it). Tarps on the ground and over your plants and flowers will facilitate cleanup and prevent damage.
  • Removing Shingles: Shingles are installed from the bottom up, but they are removed from the top down – beginning with the ridge shingles. You may choose to remove the old nails or to pound them as you remove the roofing materials. Once you remove the shingles at the peak of the roof, you can more easily get behind the shingles from above and wedge your shovel underneath. Push and slide down until you hit a nail, then pop off the nail and the shingle. If your roof has any slope, the shingles and nails will likely slide down and off the roof, so be sure no one is underneath you. To make the cleanup easier, position a trash receptacle to catch the debris.
  • Proper Disposal: Asphalt shingles are a petroleum product and as such you cannot simply throw them away, bury them, or leave them lying around. Because there is no use for old shingles, they must be hauled to a landfill or disposal facility with the capability to dispose of them properly.

A professional roofing contractor can not only handle this messy job for you but can quickly install a quality new shingle roof as well. While they are doing so, they can check the condition of your flashing and vents, and advise you as to any more efficient ways to ventilate your roof and attic.

This is a great opportunity to not only get a beautiful new shingle roof but to make your home more efficient. For more information, call the roofing professionals at Avery Roof Services.

Your Local, Trusted, Sarasota Roofer

roofing company Sarasota