It may not feel like a traditional holiday season in Sarasota, but it is definitely that time of year. If you are looking forward to all the festivity and color which holiday lights and decorations offer, now is a great time to take on the task. After all, it is a lot easier to hang lights on your house without snow!

Each year, the Consumer Product Safety Commission reports on accidents and injuries related to holiday decorating. Unfortunately nearly 15,000 incidents are reported annually during the months of November and December. So while we love how your house looks all lit up, we also wanted to provide some tips to make sure you stay safe – and that your home and roof are not damaged in the process.

Tips for Hanging Holiday Lights

Before you climb up on the ladder, make sure everything else is in order:

  • Ensure outlets are working, test your breakers and identify GCFIs. (ground-fault circuit interrupter). If you do not have adequate power capability outside, you may wish to consider having an electrician install a permanent GCFI station at your home. This will not only help with your annual holiday decorating for years to come, but will also come in handy for all types of yard work.
  • Test all light strings, and discard any which have damaged or frayed wiring. If a bulb is out, you can replace it, but if the socket is damaged it is safer to throw out the string. Look at all lights for the “UL” rating which indicate they are safe to use outdoors. Indoor lights should never be utilized outside, and outdoor lights should always be waterproof. We may not get snow in South Florida, but your sprinklers may get your Christmas lights wet!
  • Measure the length of all areas where you want to hang lights, and then compare against the light strings you have. This will allow you to have everything you need prior to climbing the ladder.
  • Check extension cords for integrity. Cords should be outdoor rated and free of any frays or damage, and be long enough to reach your lights without stretching across areas where people may trip.

In order to hang holiday lights in a way which is safe for you and your home, follow these suggestions:

  • Make sure the ladder is level and balanced. It is generally best to have a partner to ensure the stability of the ladder when you are climbing as high as the roof. Although it may save time to lean over and try to add just one more fastener, it is best to get down and move the ladder within a safe reach.
    Here’s a Hint: While up on the ladder, be sure to keep an eye out for any missing shingles, cracked tiles, or damage to gutters. These problems may not be visible from the ground, but should be fixed during our dry months in order to be ready for next season.
  • Nails or tacks should never be used with electrical wires. Whether you uses hooks or fasteners, make sure that they are insulated, and that you space them close enough together to not place too much weight on them. (otherwise you may deal with sagging gutters or damaged soffits,)
  • Keep lights and wires away from any power lines, and be sure to turn off lights every evening. If you are apt to fall asleep without remembering to turn off all lights, set them on timer. (This is good practice with indoor lighting as well.)
    The team at Avery Roof Services wishes you a very safe and happy holiday season.

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