Whether a covered lanai which allows us to relax by the pool without getting burnt, or a front porch to while away the balmy evening hours – those of us who live in Sarasota love our outdoor spaces.

Many of these areas are covered by a roof, as it helps to shield us from unrelenting rays. Let’s face it, there is nothing like a shady porch to read a book or gather with friends. But how often do you think about the roof over your head when you are outdoors? Chances are, not too often – unless of course, the rain starts to seep through.  Sarasota roof construction

Your porch roof is not nearly as durable as the roof on your home, and it will need replacing at some point.

The good news is, unlike your main roof, you can often see the underside of your porch roof. This means that you will be able to see damage clearly as it occurs. Are insects eating away at the roof? Is the wood cracking, or has it become waterlogged? Generally, it is easy to monitor the condition of a porch roof.

When to Replace? Factors to Consider

  • Hungry Pests: Carpenter ants and termites are likely to love the exposed wood on the underside of a porch roof. You can treated the materials, but these pests are likely to find this part of the home irresistible eventually – therefore if you see termite damage, call an exterminator immediately. It won’t be long before they much through your porch roof, and possibly make their way into the main structure.
  • Leaky Spots: Of course, no one wants to suit and relax under a leaky roof. But putting off porch roof maintenance could have more dire repercussions. Without the structural support of a main roof, your roof could begin to cave in and could cause damage to a friend or family member. Also, if water is seeping in close to the main structure of your home, this water could find a path of least resistance right into your house. leaky porch roof should be inspected, repaired or replaced as soon as possible.
  • Permitting Issues: Structural additions to homes are very common, and the person who owned the home before you may not have gone through the proper permitting channels. An unpermitted roof over any part of your home, including a porch, could result in fines even if you didn’t build it and were not aware of the status. The county does have the right to compel you to take the roof if it does not comply with building codes or was not permitted. If you are buying a home, check that all work has been permitted. If you already own the home, you may wish to retrofit to bring the porch roof up to permitted and legal standards.
  • Sagging Structure: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but few people would think that a sagging porch roof adds anything to the aesthetics of your home, In fact, a sagging roof will make your entire home appear unsafe and unkempt. Its weight may also be pulling on the exterior structure of your home, which could cause damage.

Even though your porch roof’s condition is not likely to cause extensive harm to your home, there are many reasons to call a roofing professional to perform any necessary repairs. Whether for safety, legal issues, or simply the curb appeal of your home, fixing your porch roof should not be delayed. Call Avery Roof Services today for an inspection and estimate – we are here to help make your home safe, sound, and beautiful.

Your Local, Trusted, Sarasota Roofer

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