Every roof, whether residential or commercial, plays an integral role in keeping people and possessions safe from the elements. Therefore, ensuring that every roof is well maintained is an important endeavor.

Commercial roof maintenance, however, has an added element of importance. A commercial roof is part of your facility management and corporate assets. A roof which fails in an organizational environment can shut down operations, stop cash flow, and affect people’s livelihoods.

Here are some ways to establish commercial roof maintenance procedures which will help to protect your facility.

Commercial Roof Maintenance

  1. Keep Roof Clean: Routinely check for debris, especially after major storms. Be sure to trim back tree limbs, clean out gutters, and sweep dirt and brush away.
  2. Look for Pooling Water: A flat roof is generally constructed to allow water to drain and not collect or pool. If water is pooling on your roof, check to see if the structure is sound, and if insulation under the affected area has become compacted. In the Sarasota area, the sun will cause minor water to evaporate, but if you notice areas which consistently collect water, you should call a roofing contractor and investigate further.
  3. Check Around Air Handlers: Many commercial roofs have air handlers and other heavy industrial equipment stored on top of them. Regularly check around these systems for signs of deterioration of materials, cracking, or algae/mold buildup. Roof penetrations are often the most probable sites for roof leaks, and maintaining the materials around these systems is the best way to prevent that from happening.
  4. Stay on Top of Small Jobs: Commercial roof maintenance is generally a series of smaller projects. If tackled in a timely manner, you can avoid the larger headaches which can occur down the road. Repairing flashing, replacing damaged areas, and keeping the roof clean are all small efforts which should keep major roof maintenance away for decades.
  5. Plan for Annual Inspections: Sarasota roofing companies advise that an annual inspection of your roof is the best way to prevent unexpected major roofing expenditures. By staying on top of your roof’s condition, you can understand, plan for, and budget for anything that may be needed in the future – as well as avoid unnecessary headaches.
  6. Put it in the Budget: The easiest way to manage your commercial roof maintenance is to put it in the budget and plan for it. Make an annual inspection a part of your corporate procedures, and small repairs an expected part of your budget. Also make sure that you have enough business facility hurricane insurance to account for a major storm.

    Even though those storm costs are significant and can range into the billions for affected areas, your insurance should cover both the repair or replacement of the roof, and any financial losses you incur after the event.A roof is like any other asset which your company owns. It will depreciate in value, but that does not mean that it needs to deteriorate or break down. Depending on the roofing materials used, a well-constructed roof can be expected to last for 30 years or more- as long as it is properly maintained and cared for.

    Avery Roof Services has been inspecting, cleaning, building and repairing commercial roofs in the Sarasota area for decades – and we have the reputation and experience your company is looking for.  To schedule your initial consultation and talk about more ways you can preserve your roof and protect your assets, give us a call today.

Your Local, Trusted, Sarasota Roofer

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