Let’s face it, we don’t often think about the roof over our heads.

Structurally, your roof is built to last  between 25 and 50 years on average,  depending on the roofing materials used. This makes it easy for us to consider the roof “out of sight, out of mind. ” Still, the seasonal barrage of harsh sunlight, heavy rains and often damaging wind can cause the roof to suffer vulnerabilities long before their life expectancy is due.  While your roof is likely sturdy and resilient, small signs can indicate when something needs your attention – and these roofing red flags are worth keeping an eye out for, in order to keep your roof and home in peak condition.

Sarasota roof repair

As a Sarasota homeowner, you should stay vigilant regarding the health of your roof. The presence of these small problems will help you to perform maintenance and repair early on, in large part preventing a major problem down the road. Look for these early warning signs, and you will most likely stay dry and protected for years to come.

7 Roofing Red Flags To Look Out For

    1. Debris on the Roof: If after a storm you see trees branches or piles of leaves on your roof, it is best to clear them off and inspect the roofing materials underneath. Often high winds will deposit this debris – even possibly household and yard items – on your roof, causing damage to the tiles or shingles as the land or slide across the roof. Even if there is no damage from this occurrence, keeping your roof free of debris will help to mitigate future damage.
    2. Overhanging Tree Branches: Many people do no realize that during a storm, or even a windy day, tree branches can scrape along the roofing materials, causing tears, rips or erosion in your shingles. Over time, this damage can open up small areas which are vulnerable to water intrusion. Because these breaches are often small and go unseen, it allows the water to slowly but surely make its way under roofing materials and into the structure of your home.
    3. Broken or Missing Roofing Materials: It probably goes without saying, but if your roof is exhibiting tiles or shingles which are broken or missing, it has sustained some damage. It is recommended that you hire a roofing contractor to examine the problem, and fix not only the shingles, but the underlayment if necessary.
    4. Large Patches of Mold or Algae: These areas most often occur on asphalt shingle roofs with areas of shade. If algae and mold are allowed to propagate for too long, they can eat away at the surface of the shingle, causing damage over time.
    5. Granules in Your Gutters: As asphalt shingle tile begins to erode, granules come loose and wash into your gutters and eventually down your drain spouts. Too many of these granules are a good indication that the structure of the tile is breaking down. This means you will be losing the reflective capability of the tile, as well as possibly seeing the tile crack or curl as its surface erodes. If you are finding granules in your landscaping beds under your gutters, you may have a problem with leaking or sagging gutters, which can also eventually result in soffit and fascia issues if not corrected.
    6. Ceiling or Drywall Stains: By the time you see a water stain on your interior ceiling or walls, water has made its way well into your home. You should not hesitate to call a local Sarasota roofing contractor immediately, to ascertain the source of the roof leak and fix it immediately, before it becomes even more damaging.

One way to stay ahead of these roofing red flags is to conduct a yearly roof inspection. If you would like to understand the true condition of your roof today in order to have a baseline go-forward, call the professionals at Avery Roof Services. With a little care and diligence, your roof should last a very long time.

Your Local, Trusted, Sarasota Roofer

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